Watch | Channel Zero: Candle Cove

I really can’t explain it. Out of all the titles partnered with the words Only on iFlix, I had to choose the one that’s obviously from the horror genre. But can you blame me? Look at that… it’s a dude made out of teeth. I had to find out why. I was probably going to regret it, but…

Watch | Bungou Stray Dogs Season 1

These days, I have a tendency to put more than half my chosen anime titles every season in the backburner. I mean, reading books and watching any form of media, while doing all the housework and childminding by yourself means that you really never, ever get enough time to finish them all. It wasn’t until…

Watch | Stranger Things Season 1

So… Hi. I was supposed to have blog posts up last week. I mean, I had them planned and just needed to find time to actually write. But… well… Stranger Things happened. I was already struggling with time, since I finally gave in to pausing my reading of the Chronicles of Elantra and start The Night Circus…

Watch | Lucifer Season 1

I didn’t want to like the TV adaptation of Lucifer. Mostly because they kept saying how the TV series was going to have a procedural vibe, with the titular character thinking that it would be a hoot to help out the LAPD solve crimes. But given my initial misgivings about Sleepy Hollow (really, it sounded bad…

Watch | Hamatora and RE:_Hamatora

When I was checking out the summer anime titles last year, I realized that the season included Re:_Hamatora.  I realized then that I have yet to finish the first season of Hamatora, and decided to just watch the series and its sequel in succession so I can do a single wrap-up. Hamatora refers to the private…

Watch | Tokyo Ghoul

image from MyAnimeList When I first started watching Tokyo Ghoul, I thought it was a sure shot to join my must-watch list.  The premise of a world where humans and ghouls co-exist is intriguing, and that opening theme is just catchy.  As I write this, I still wonder how it could have all been so…

Watch | Shinsekai Yori

image from MyAnimeList In my latest anime wrap-up post covering Sakurasou no Pet no Kanojo, I mentioned that I was actually supposed to be writing about Shinsekai Yori.  The title was the latest series that I finally finished and could finally cross off my catch-up list. It was just simply too hard to write about back…

Watch | Dominion Season 1

image from Wikipedia It was a no-brainer to add Dominion to my summer viewing list, only because I think I’m one of the few people to actually like the movie Legion.  But I do have to point out that my enjoyment of the film is mostly actually due to star Paul Bettany and that I never…

Watch | Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou

image from MyAnimeList I have to admit that I was rooting for Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou for the sole reason that the main character had such a great love for books.  Never mind that he would eventually be resurrected in the body of a dachshund. Yep, that sentence just happened. Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou…

Watch | Blood Lad

image from MyAnimeList I’m going to say this upfront… I wish Blood Lad was longer.  A couple of episodes in and it’s easy to see that the anime features a varying range of genres and themes that would be better told if the series wasn’t limited to just ten episodes. Staz Charlie Blood is a vampire…