Watch | The Promised Neverland Season 1

Action or comedy (or a wonderful combination of both) are usually the most popular genres in anime. That’s all wonderful and good, but if those two genres are all that you watch, I suggest you look into taking advantage of the wide range of genres that anime has to offer. I suggest you look into…

Watch | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Season 1

My anime series backlog is embarrassing. But if there’s one thing to take advantage of during community quarantine (and our current self-imposed quarantine despite loosened restrictions) while schools are still on vacation, it’s that extra bit of free time to read and watch. I made it easy on myself and chose an obviously popular title…

Read | The Shining by Stephen King

When you dissect it, the reading goals that I set for myself can seem daunting. I know I wanted to re-read a lot of titles. I know that I wanted to discover contemporary fiction that escaped my reading list in the past years. And I know that I wanted to delve into some book series…

Read | Things We Lost in the Fire by Mariana Enriquez

Things We Lost in the Fire was among a list of February 2017 releases that readers should watch out for… I can’t remember where I read that article or if that article actually had a description of the contents of the book. I knew it was a short story collection, but, for some reason, I…

Watch | Preacher Season 1

Back when I had the freedom to binge-watch TV series and films, I kept up with news so I knew which titles to look out for. And I’ve been hearing news of adapting Preacher for years. Considering the number of film and TV outfits that had their hand in it, and chose not to continue…

Watch | Wolf Children

I think I got a copy of Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki or Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki as soon as it was released for home media viewing. My own viewing of it, however, kept getting pushed back until I realized it’s spent actual years on the backburner. Several weeks ago, I had the rare hour…

Watch | Santa Clarita Diet Season 1

I knew Drew Barrymore had a series developing at Netflix, but actual details didn’t turn up on my radar until a couple of weeks before it’s release. Their ads finally revealed that instead of the straight-up suburban family comedy it initially appeared to be, it turned out that Santa Clarita Diet is way more quirkier than…

Watch | Doctor Strange

I think all the hubbub about different actors being considered for Doctor Strange was a sham. I think the moment that Benedict Cumberbatch made a sly remark during SDCC on the year casting for the film was announced was already a confirmation that he had the part. I think that if they did actually audition other actors for…